Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What I've Been Up To

I've been out of the office for the past month shooting and getting the kind of results you see below. I've been at various locations getting some great people shots. These pictures are somewhat typical portrait style images in that the setup is simple and basic. Getting people to pose in the fashion you want is not so simple nor basic. As a matter of fact it can be quite difficult. In the end it boils down to something I've known for a long time....they have to be comfortable around you in order to get good results.

Emily was quite comfortable and enjoyed being in front of the camera. We had quite an extensive shoot and got some real good pictures. Here are some of the ones I like.

I really enjoy working with white backgrounds and foam sets such as these. It's hard to believe that they can look so real.

All images were taken with one light source and a reflector.